
Friday, 30 September 2011


It's a depressing month for me. I hope that everything will be better tomorrow.

The first incident in this month that depressed me was being ignored by a friend who I thought share thoughts and opinions with me, a person who had came into my life to keep me accompany when I'm in need. But this person is not there for me anymore and I have no idea why.

The second incident was being compared with a beloved decease friend and being labeled as an ungrateful person tears my heart apart. Perhaps the person who utters all those things does not mean this but the way the words are uttered makes them send those messages to me. “You are incomparable with this person and you are so ungrateful”

Third incident was, this year I realize that I had not much true friends left around me. Or to say it in another word, I don’t have much true friends all this while. The only bunch of friends who wishes me and really care that “hey, it’s your birthday” was getting lesser this year. I’m a bit lost thinking where have those friends gone?

    The fourth incident was I had to change my tire because someone put a 2 inches long nail on the road and puncture my tire. It causes me to dig out the little money that I had to change a new one.

     The fifth incident was after all these things happened yet I had no one to talk to. Even if I have they can’t seems to help much. It is still up to me to work them out. Frankly, I’m tired of being alone doing handling all the stuff good and bad that happened to me. I’m going crazy.

    The sixth incident was I lost my beloved tissue holder while eating in a café. I search for it, ask around but no one seems to notice that small tissue holder. It’s handmade by my sister and it’s one and only that you couldn’t buy anywhere. I had been using it for 5 years and now it’s gone. Someone took it without asking.

    This list can go longer with those entire bad incidents that happened to me this month but these are the major one which really depressed me and squeeze the tears out of my eyes. It’s really a bad month for me. I wish that something nice will happened to me soon. A real nice thing.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Children craft: how to make a necklace

My straw necklace

Material you need to prepare:
colour straws
some beads

How to do it:

1. Cut straws into the shape you like.
2. Measure the string acording to the lenght you like. (make sure the string is long enough to fit through you head)
3. Put the string to the needle and you can start to design you own necklace.
5. Adults remember to supervise the child while they are using the needle.

Suggestion: you could weave a star to put it together with your necklace.


Paper clay craft

I was looking through my old boxes and found these little trasure of mine. These little cups are made from paper clay. I coloured them and filled them up with candle. They are 3.5 cm tall with 2cm diameter. These little treasure are old made them like ermm...10 years ago. I made a lot and gave them to my friends but these were few that left(in bad condition). I did made some key chain out of the same paper clay, didn't left any of them. Gave them all away and were very delighted to do so.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

White flower print vase and round container

vase made from drinks bottle

white flower print container made from cookies container

Friday, 26 August 2011

Handmade recycle stamps book

Stamps book cover

 Inside stamps book

I made this stamps book for my stamps collection years ago (about 12 or 13 or more years ago). I found it while searching through my old cupboard. Anyone out there still collect stamps? I wonder...ehem...I still do. It tooks me a lot of time to make this stamps book because I need to cut the pieces of card board into the same size (I use recycle cardboard) plus cutting and arranging the stamps pockets on each page and finally glue them together into a book. The glueing part is not as hard as the cutting part. But I'm statisfied with the product. hehehe...(^.^)

I love making stuff when I'm free. I remember I made a few diaries from my old school exercise book (which I feel wasted if I throw it away for recycle, so I recycled them my own way). I cut out the unused pages and stick them together into one book. I made 3 out of the scrap papers. My diaries are real thick because I like thick books. hehe...I write a lot back then but not so much now. I can't show you all the diaries because it was in a bad shape now, there was a flood one year and the water rose real high eveything in my house were gone so there goes my diaries.

Hope this recyle stamps book inspire you to create something nicer than mine!!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

My sundress

These two are my sundress. I bought it haha...If only I could sew them with the cloths I bought few weeks ago. It would be nice.Waiting for the day to come.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

How to enlarge your shoe!

I bought this pair of shoes last week. Its the last pair in the stall, its a bit tight though my foot could fit in but I bought it anyway coz I like the color. I did something to make them fit better. Since this shoes is make of plastic leather, it will get softer and could be pull larger when its hot. So I use my hair dryer to blow it until its soft enough, then I stuff in lots of paper to enlarge it. Then set it to cool with the paper in it so that the shape stays that way after its cold. I did this for a few times and the shoes could fit me nicely after that.  I have to be careful when doing this becoz it gets really hot when its soft.   

Of course its not avisible to wear shoes which are tight for your feet but in my case I just can't resist it so I use this method to enlarge it. You could try this method incase the shoes you like is a bit tight for your foot.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

my friend said

My friend told me the other day that one of her friend said this:

"I'm such a wonderful person to know, but what people see on me is how I wear and ...."

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

From a book I read today!

The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.
page 50, line 8-9, the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Another set of cloths

Here are another 5 pieces of cloths I bought but still I haven't decide what to do with it. Thinking of some tube dresses and skirts. The problem here is I never sew a dress before so I'm afraid might spoil these nice cloths.